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$105.00Catalog Number: HEAL-10Size: 10 rxn

Seamless Cloning by HEAL™ Technology

Cloning PCR products by HEAL™ into any vector has never been easier! Homologous Ends Aided Ligation technology uses a novel recombinase enzyme mix to clone PCR products into your vector of choice in just 30 minutes, ideal for high-throughput cloning in 48-well or 96-well plate formats and regular cloning as well!

PCR, HEAL and Transform!

Kit Configurations

Cat. Num.ReactionsVectors
HEAL-1010 rxnUse Your Own Vector
HEAL-4040 rxnUse Your Own Vector
HEAL-120120 rxnUse Your Own Vector
HEAL-10V10 rxn2 Vectors Included**
HEAL-40V40 rxn2 Vectors Included**
HEAL-120V120 rxn2 Vectors Included**
User Guide:Download the user's guide with the link at bottom of page.pdf manual
Note**: Linearized pMEV and pMEV-2HA are included.
HEAL Seamless PCR Cloning


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