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$678.00Catalog Number: BXJ1106-wtSize: 20 ug


Human JNKK1 (MAP2K4) Xpress Clones

Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) cascade relays extracellular signals from cell membrane to the nucleus to induce intracellular responses and to regulate many aspects of cell physiology. These cascades, including JNK, ERK and p38 pathways, consist of distinct members of regulatory enzymes that serially activate one another in response to growth factors, cytokines and other mitogenic stimuli, leading to (in)activation of transcription factors. Like ERK1/2 and p38, the JNK activation requires dual phosphorylation on tyrosine and threonine residues within a conserved TPY motif. Activated JNKK1/2 can preferably phosphorylate and activate JNKs, with JNKK2 more specific to JNK.

Includes and available separately

BXJ1106-5:20 ug each
BXJ1106-wt:20 ug
BXJ1106-km:20 ug
BXJ1106-ee:20 ug
BXJ1106-aa:20 ug
BXJ1106-kmaa:20 ug

Custom size is also available upon request.

Materials Provided:20 ug transfection ready plasmids in 40ul TE buffer.
Antibiotic Selections:Kan/Neo for kanamycin selectin in bacteria and G418 selection in mammalian cells
Cloning vector:pMEV-2HA
5' cloning site:Bam HI
3' cloning site:Kpn I
Mutations:K131M; S257E, T261E; S257A, T261A; K131M, S257A, T261A


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