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$678.00Catalog Number: BXP1060-kmSize: 20 ug


Human BRAF Xpress Clones

Genes of the RAF family encode three cytoplasmic serine/threonine protein kinases that are regulated by RAS and mediate cellular responses to growth signals from the cell surface to the nuclear. Human BRAF was first cloned from a testis cDNA library. Mutations of BRAF gene have been found in 66% of melanomas and many other types of cancers. All mutations reside in the kinase domain, with a single substitution, V599E accounting for 80%. K482 is a highly conserved active-site residue. BRAF, and all other kinases, mutated at this position are inactive as a protein kinase. T598 and S601 reside within kinase subdomains VII and VIII and are activating phosphorylation sites. Replacement of these two sites by acidic residues (BRAF-ED) renders BRAF constitutively active.

Gene Name: Homo sapiens v-raf sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1.

Includes and available separately

BXP1060-4:20 ug each
BXP1060-wt:20 ug
BXP1060-km:20 ug
BXP1060-ed:20 ug
BXP1060-ve:20 ug

Custom size is also available upon request.

Materials Provided:20 ug transfection ready plasmids in 40ul TE buffer.
Antibiotic Selections:Kan/Neo for kanamycin selectin in bacteria and G418 selection in mammalian cells
Cloning vector:pMEV-2HA
5' cloning site:Xba I
3' cloning site:Sal I
Mutations:K482M; T598E, S601D; V599E


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